
Wednesday 18 September 2019

Back At Cooking Class

Today at tech we made some delicious lasagne and if you would like to make some lasagne then hear are the ingredients and the steps.


1) Mice

2) Oil

3) Onion

4) Sauce

5) cottage cheese

6) Cheese

7) Pasta


1)First you  get the oil and you get the mice and put it in the oil.

2) when done get the onion and put it in.

3) After your are done you put the sauce in then mix together.

4) next you put in the cottage cheese in and spread everywhere so everything combines.

5) Then put in the pasta in a pot with water then boil till done.

6) put in everything in a tray and and spread the cheese over it.

7) put in oven and wait, after waiting you can grab it out and serve and enjoy.


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